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This document contains some notes about the design of PyMiniRacer.

Security goals

First and foremost, PyMiniRacer makes no guarantees or warrantees, as noted in the license. This section documents the security goals of PyMiniRacer. Anything that doesn't meet these goals should be considered to be a bug (but with no warrantee or even a guaranteed path to remediation).

PyMiniRacer should be able to run untrusted JavaScript code

The ability for PyMiniRacer to run untrusted JavaScript code was an original design goal for Sqreen in developing PyMiniRacer, and continues to be a design goal today.

To that end, PyMiniRacer provides:

  1. The innate sandboxing properties of V8. V8 is trusted by billions of folks to run untrusted JavaScript every day, as a part of Chrome and other web browsers. It has many features like the security sandbox and undergoes close security scrutiny.

  2. The ability to create multiple MiniRacer instances which each have separate V8 isolates, to separate different blobs of untrusted code from each other.

  3. Optional timeouts and memory constraints on code being executed.


  1. The continual security research is V8 under yields a corresponding stream of vulnerability reports.

  2. ... and while V8 as embedded in a web browser will typically receive (funded!) updates to correct those vulnerabilities, PyMiniRacer is unlikely to see as aggressive and consistent an update schedule.

  3. ... and of course PyMiniRacer itself may have vulnerabilities. This has happened before.

  4. ... and even if PyMiniRacer is updated to accomodate a vulnerability fix in itself or V8, it is incumbent upon Python applications which integrate it to actually redeploy with the new PyMiniRacer version.

If running potentially adversarial JavaScript code in a high-security environment, it might be a better choice to run code using a purpose-built isolation environment such as containers on gVisor, than to rely on PyMiniRacer for isolation.

JavaScript-to-Python callbacks may breach any isolation boundary

The MiniRacer.wrap_py_function method allows PyMiniRacer users to expose Python functions they write to JavaScript. This creates an extension framework which essentially breaches the isolation boundary provided by V8.

This feature should only be used if the underlying JavaScript code is trusted, or if the author is certain the exposed Python function is safe for calls from untrusted code. (I.e., if you expose a Python function which allows reading arbitrary files from disk, this would obviously be bad if the JavaScript code which may call it is itself untrusted.)

Brief catalog of key components


This is the mkdocs site for PyMiniRacer. To maximize compatibility with standard open-source repository layout, this directory is just a bunch of stubs which include files from the package root.

This is a Hatch build hook which builds Python wheels, by calling helpers/


This is the PyMiniRacer V8 build wrapper. Building V8 for many platforms (Windows, Mac, glibc Linux, musl Linux) and architectures (x86_64, aarch64) is hard, especially since V8 is primarily intended to be built by Google engineers on a somewhat different set of of platforms (i.e., those Chrome runs on), and typically via cross-compilation from relatively curated build hosts. So this file is complicated and full of if statements.


This is a small frontend for V8, written in C++. It manages initialization, context, marshals and unmarshals inputs and outputs through V8's type system, etc. The front-end exposes simple functions and types which are friendly to the Python ctypes system. These simple C++ functions in turn call the C++ V8 APIs.

As noted below, v8_py_frontend is not a Python extension (it does not include Python.h or link libpython, and it does not touch Python types).

(Compiled) src/py_mini_racer/, src/py_mini_racer/mini_racer.dll, src/py_mini_racer/libmini_racer.dylib

These files (which one depends on the platform) contain the compiled V8 build, complete with the frontend from src/v8_py_frontend.

(Compiled) src/py_mini_racer/icudtl.dat

This is a build-time-generated internationalization artifact, used at runtime by V8 and thus shipped with PyMiniRacer.

(Compiled) src/py_mini_racer/snapshot_blob.bin

This is a build-time-generated startup snapshot, used at runtime by V8 and thus shipped with PyMiniRacer. This is a snapshot of the JavaScript heap including JavaScript built-ins, which accelerates JS engine startup.


This is the pure-Python implementation of PyMiniRacer. This loads the (Python-independent) PyMiniRacer dynamic-link library (.dll on windows, .so on Linux, .dylib on MacOS) and uses the Python ctypes system to call methods within it, to manage V8 context and actually evaluate JavaScript code.


This is the primary build script for PyMiniRacer, implemented as a GitHub Actions workflow.

Design decisions

These are listed in a topological sort, from most-fundamental to most-derived decisions.

In theory, answers to questions in the vein of "Why is it done this way?" belong in this document.

Minimize the interface with V8

V8 is extremely complex and is under continual, heavy development. Such development can result in interface changes, which may in turn break PyMiniRacer.

To mitigate the risk of breakage with new V8 builds, we seek to minimize the "API surface area" between PyMiniRacer and V8. This means we seek to limit "advanced" use of both:

  1. The V8 C++ API, and
  2. The V8 build system (GN) and build options.

Our success at minimizing the interface with the V8 build system can be measured by the length of helpers/ (444 lines as of this writing!). Making V8 build on multiple platforms takes a lot of trickery...

Minimize the interface with the CPython API (don't make an extension)

For similar reasons (the CPython API is complex and always in flux, although not as much as V8), combined with the proliferation of Python versions (many versions of CPython, PyPy, etc), we'd rather avoid directly interfacing with the CPython API. Thus, instead of an extension module (which includes Python.h and links against libpython), we build an ordinary Python-independent C++ library, and use ctypes to access it.

Build V8 from source

The V8 project does not produce stable binary distributions, i.e., static or dynamic libraries. (In Linux terms, this would probably look like libv8 and libv8-dev.) Instead, any project (like NodeJS, Chromium, or... PyMiniRacer!) which wants to integrate V8 must first build it.

Build V8 with our frontend (v8_py_frontend) as a snuck-in component

We could just get a static library (i.e., libv8.a) from the V8 build, and link that into a dynamic-link library [i.e.,]) ourselves.


  1. We do have one more C++ file to compile (the C++ code in v8_py_frontend)
  2. Because we're not making a true Python extension module (see above), we aren't using Python's setuptools Extension infrastructure to perform a build.

This does, however, leave us needing some platform-independent C++ toolchain.

V8 already has such a toolchain, based on Ninja and Generated Ninja files (GN).

Rather than bringing in another toolchain, we sneak v8_py_frontend (which is, after all, just one C++ file) into the V8 tree itself, as a "custom dep". We then instruct GN to build it as if it were an ordinary part of V8.

The result is a dynamic-link library which contains an ordinary release build of V8, plus our Python ctypes-friendly frontend.

Build PyPI wheels

Because V8 takes so long to build (about 2-3 hours at present on the free GitHub Actions runners, and >12 hours when emulating aarch64 on them), we want to build wheels for PyPI. We don't want folks to have to build V8 when they pip install mini-racer!.

We build wheels for many operating systems and architectures based on popular demand via GitHib issues. Currently the list is {x86_64, aarch64} × {Debian Linux, Alpine Linux, Mac, Windows} (but skipping Windows aarch64 for now since there is not yet either a GitHub Actions runner, or emulation layer for it).

Use the free GitHub Actions hosted runners

PyMiniRacer is not a funded project, so we run on the free GitHub Actions hosted runners. These currently let us build for many key platforms (including via emulation).

This also lets contributors easily run the same build automation by simply forking the PyMiniRacer repo and running the workflows (for free!) within their own forks.

Use sccache to patch around build timeouts

As of this writing, the Linux aarch64 builds run on emulation GitHub because has no free hosted aarch64 runners for Linux. This makes them so slow, they struggle to complete at all. They take about 24 hours to run. The GitHub Actions job timeout is only 6 hours, so we have to restart the jobs multiple times. We rely on sccache to catch the build up to prior progress.

It would in theory be less ugly to segment the build into small interlinked jobs of less than 6 hours each so they each succeed, but for now it's simpler to just manually restart the failed jobs, each time loading from the build cache and making progress, until they finally succeed. Hopefully at some point GitHub will provide native aarch64 Linux runners, which will alleviate this problem.

Use uraimo/run-on-arch-action (and not cibuildwheel)

So, we need to build wheels for multiple architectures. For Windows and Mac (x86_64 on Windows, and both x86_64 and aarch64 on Mac) we can can use GitHub hosted runners. For Linux builds (Debian and Alpine, and x86_64 and aarch64), we use the fantastic GitHub Action workflow step uraimo/run-on-arch-action, which lets us build a docker container on the fly and run it on QEMU.

Many modern Python projects which need to build wheels with native code use the cibuildwheel project to manange their builds. However, cibuildwheel isn't a perfect fit here. Because we are building Python-independent dynamic-link libraries instead of Python extension modules modules, we aren't linking with any particular Python ABI. Thus we need only (operating systems × architectures) builds, whereas cibuildwheel generates (operating systems × architecture × Python flavors × Python versions) wheels. That's a ton of wheels! Given that it takes hours to days to build PyMiniRacer for one target OS and architecture, doing redundant builds is undesirable.

It might be possible to use cibuildwheel with PyMiniRacer by segmenting the build of the dynamic-link library (i.e., from the actual wheel build. That is, we could have the following separate components:

  1. Create a separate Github Actions workflow to build the binary (i.e., the hard part). Publish that as a release, using the GitHub release artifact management system as a distribution mechanism.
  2. The wheel build step could then simply download a pre-built binary from the latest GitHub release. We could use cibuildwheel to manage this step. This would generate many redundant wheels (because the wheels we'd generate for, say, CPython 3.9 and 3.10 would be identical), but it wouldn't matter because it would be cheap and automatic.

This is similar to how the Ruby mini_racer and libv8-node projects, which inspired PyMiniRacer, work together today.

To sum up, to use cibuildwheel, we would still need our own separate multi-architecture build workflow for V8, ahead of the cibuildwheel step. So cibuildwheel could potentially simplify the actual wheel distribution for us, but it wouldn't simplify the overall workflow management.