PyMiniRacer v0.11.1

Poke objects! Call functions! Await promises!

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In this last blog post, I discussed my revival of PyMiniRacer, a neat project created by Sqreen to embed the V8 JavaScript into Python. As of that post (v0.8.0), I had done a light reorganization of the C++ side of PyMiniRacer, but nothing big there yet. Here we talk about some extensions to PyMiniRacer, rolling up the changes up to v0.11.1: JS Object and Array manipulation, directly calling JS functions from Python, async support, and a discussion of the C++ changes needed to make all that work.

Some new PyMiniRacer features:

from py_mini_racer import MiniRacer

mr = MiniRacer()

# Direct object and array access!
>>> obj = mr.eval('let obj = {"foo": "bar"}; obj')
>>> obj["foo"]
>>> obj["baz"] = mr.eval('[]')
>>> obj["baz"].append(42)
>>> mr.eval('JSON.stringify(obj)')

# Call JS functions directly!
>>> func = mr.eval('(a) => a*7')
>>> func(6)

# Promise await support, so you can wait in two languages at once!
>>> async def will_you_wait_just_one_second_please():
...    promise = mr.eval('new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(res, 1000))')
...    await promise
>>> import asyncio
>>>  # does exactly as requested!

Other new features can be found on the relnotes page, where v0.8.0 was the subject of the last blog post.

New feature rundown

First, I’ll discuss new features for PyMiniRacer. These require an incremental overhaul of the C++ side of PyMiniRacer, which is discussed below.

Manipulating objects and arrays

As of v0.8.0 and earlier, PyMiniRacer could create and manipulate objects and arrays only at a distance. Sure, you could easily create objects in the JS context via MiniRacer.eval statements. However, getting to their contents was hard!

MiniRacer.eval could convert primitives like numbers and strings directly to Python objects, but to get a property of an object, you had to run an evaluation of some JS code which would extract that property, like mr.eval(my_obj["my_property"]) instead of simply writing my_obj["my_property"] in Python. Or you could give up and JSON.stringify the whole object, and json.loads the serialized object on the Python side.

The more you do it, the more it feels like programming with waldos:

A “waldo” or “remote manipulator”

Working with Objects and Arrays in PyMiniRacer v0.8.0. source

Well, now you can directly mess with objects and arrays from Python! I added a MutableMapping (dict-like) interface for all derivatives of JS Objects, and a MutableSequence (list-like) interface for JS Arrays. You can now use Pythonic idioms to read and write Object properties and Array elements in Python, including recursively (i.e., you can read Objects embedded in other Objects, and embed your own).

This required tracking v8 object handles within Python (instead of reading and disposing them at the end of every MiniRacer.eval call), which in turn required revamping the C++ memory management model. More on that below.

Direct function calls

As of v0.8.0 and earlier, PyMiniRacer couldn’t directly call a function. You could only evaluate some JS code which would call your function. Passing in function parameters was likewise awkward; you had to serialize them into JS code. So instead of doing foo(my_str, my_int) in Python, you had to do something like mr.eval(f'foo("{my_str}", {my_int})'). The method helped with this by JSON-serializing your data for you, but the wrapper it puts around your code isn’t always quite right (as reported on the original sqreen/PyMiniRacer GitHub issue tracker).

Well, now you can retrieve a function from JS, and then… just call it:

>>> reverseString = mr.eval("""
function reverseString(str) {
    return str.split("").reverse().join("");
reverseString  // return the function
>>> reverseString
<py_mini_racer.py_mini_racer.JSFunction object at 0x7bb3dc5739a0>
>>> reverseString("reviled diaper")
'repaid deliver'

You can also specify this as a keyword argument, because JavaScript:

>>> get_whatever = mr.eval("""
function get_whatever(str) {
    return this.whatever;
get_whatever  // return the function
>>> obj = mr.eval("let obj = {whatever: 42}; obj")
>>> get_whatever(this=obj)

As with direct Object and Array manipulation, aside from a straightforward exposure of C++ APIs to Python, to make this work we have to revamp the C++ object lifecyle model; more below.

Async and timeouts

It seemed like a big gap that PyMiniRacer, as of v0.8.0 and earlier, could create JS Promises, but couldn’t do anything to asynchronously await them. I wasn’t the only one with this feeling. One of the PyMiniRacer tests did work with promises, but only by polling for completion.

Both Python and JavaScript have a concept of async code. Can we hook them up? Yes!

Now you can create a Promise on the JS side and await it either using asyncio or using a blocking .get call:

>>> promise = mr.eval('new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(() => res(42), 1000))')
>>> await promise  # only works within Python "async def" functions
>>> promise.get()  # works outside of python "async def" functions and not recommended
42                 # within async functions (because it would block up the asyncio loop)

To make this demo work, I actually also had to write a setTimeout function, which is funny because it’s so ubiquitous you might forget that it’s not part of the ECMA standard, and thus not part of V8’s standard library. (setTimeout is a web standard, and also exists in NodeJS. E.g., in browser scripts, setTimeout lives on the window object, but PyMiniRacer has no window object.) Turns out we can write a pure-JS setTimeout using only the ECMA standard libraries using a somewhat hacky wrapper of Atomics.waitAsync. I stole this insight from the PyMiniRacer unit tests and spun it into a glorified setTimeout / clearTimeout wrapper in what felt like one of those silly improbable interview questions (“Please build thing A using only half-broken tools B and C!”).

Moreover, this required making PyMiniRacer better at running code indefinitely so it would actually process the async work reliably—more on that below.

Changes to the PyMiniRacer C++ backend

So, the above features involve overhauling PyMiniRacer. Let’s talk about how I did that!


First, before getting into C++ changes, I wanted to inherit the best of automated wisdom about how to write C++. I personally have been writing C++ for over two decades, but having taken a break from it for 5 years, I missed out on the fun of both C++17 and C++20!

So I added a clang-tidy pre-commit. As well as a clang-format pre-commit, because duh. Some observations:

  1. clang-tidy has taught me lots of things I didn’t know, e.g., when to std::move stuff and when to rely on guaranteed copy elision, and how to annoy others by using trailing return types everywhere, absolutely everywhere.
  2. It continually catches my mistakes, like extra copies, extra lambda parameters, and whatnot!
  3. There is unfortunately no good set of recommended clang-tidy checks everyone should enable (as compared to ESLint for JavaScript, Ruff for Python, etc, which work pretty well out of the box). Some bundled checks are broadly useful for most everyone, and some are are clearly only intended for a limited audience. E.g., the llvm checks are doomed to fail if you’re not writing llvm itself. The altera checks are intended for people writing code for FGPAs. The fuschia checks have some very unusual opinions that I’m sure make sense for the Fuschia project but I cannot imagine there is consenus that, e.g., defaults in function parameters are bad. So everyone using clang-tidy has to figure out, by trial and error, which checks have weird non-applicable opinions and thus have to be disabled.
  4. The memory management checks seem unhelpful in that I, like most C++ programmers, use smart pointers everywhere, so when the checks fail it’s just noise 100% of the time so far. It seems like these complicated memory-tracking checks could almost be simplified into “uh you used new or delete without a shared pointer”, and then would only usefully trigger for novice C++ programmers.
  5. clang-tidy is slow; something like 100 times slower than clang itself. It takes about 20 minutes on my old laptop to run over PyMiniRacer, which is only 29 small files.

Anyway, clang-tidy is super useful; would recommend!

Inverting PyMiniRacer’s threading model

So, to start off, for async code to work correctly in PyMiniRacer (and also, to run code off the Python thread, thus enabling KeyboardInterrupt of PyMiniRacer JS code), we need V8 to execute code continually, e.g., to process delayed callbacks from setTimeout. In other words, if we want to be able to use setTimeout to schedule work for N seconds from now, and have it actually, you know, run that delayed work, we need to convince V8 to actually run, continually, until explicitly shut down.

However, PyMiniRacer was set up like both of V8’s extensive list of two samples. It ran a thing once, and pumped the V8 message loop a bit, and quit, never to call V8 again (until the next user input). This seems odd: how do you know there is no delayed work? I guess you just assume there’s no delayed work. But at the same time, programs like Chrome, which a few people use, and NodeJS, likewise, obviously use V8 in continually-operating form. How do we do it?

A couple facts make “how do we do it” tricky to answer:

  1. The v8::Isolate, the environment in which all your JS code runs, is not inherently thread-safe. You need to grab a v8::Locker first to use it safely.
  2. v8::platform::PumpMessageLoop, the thing that powers all work beyond an initial code evaluation in V8, needs the v8::Isolate lock. However, it does not actually ask for the lock. It does not release the lock either, apparently. And yet we need it to run, continually and without returning control to us. We have to use its wait-for-work mode, (unless we want to use a lot of electricity), which means the message pump is doomed to sit around a lot, doing nothing but hogging the v8::Isolate lock.

So you need to get the lock to use the Isolate, but you also need to spend a lot of time calling this thing (PumpMessageLoop) hogs that lock. How do you reconcile these?

My solution was inspired by the d8 tool, which ships with V8: all code which interacts with the Isolate is “posted” as a “task” on the Isolate’s TaskRunner. Then it will run under the PumpMessageLoop call, where it already has that Isolate lock which PumpMessageLoop has been hogging. Nobody needs to grab the Isolate lock, because they already have it, having been sequenced into the PumpMessageLoop thread as tasks.

This seems to work, but involved reorganizing all of PyMiniRacer, inverting control such that a thread running PumpMessageLoop is the center of the universe, and everything else just asks it to do work. Even things like “hey I’d like to delete this object handle” need to be put onto the v8::Isolate’s task queue.

The resulting setup looks roughly like this:


Reading that diagram in order:

  1. The MiniRacer::IsolateMessagePump runs a thread which creates a v8::Isolate,
  2. … exposes it to the MiniRacer::IsolateManager,
  3. … and loops on v8::platform::PumpMessageLoop until shutdown.
  4. Then, any code which wants to use the Isolate, such as MiniRacer::CodeEvaluator (the class which implements the MiniRacer.eval function to run arbitrary JS code) calls MiniRacer::IsolateManager::Run
  5. … which wraps up tasks into an MiniRacer::AdHocTask and
  6. … throws them onto the Isolate work queue to actually run, on the message-pumping thread.

std::shared_ptr all the things!

Our control inversion to an event-driven design (explained above) is complicated to pull off safely in C++, where object lifecycle is up to the developer. Since everything is event-driven, we have to be very careful to control the lifecycle of every object, ensuring objects outlive all the tasks which reference them. After trying to explicitly control everything, I gave up and settled on basically using std::shared_ptr to manage lifecycle for just about everything (regressing to “C++ developer phase 1” as described here). If a task has a std::shared_ptr pointing to all the objects it needs to run, the objects are guaranteed to still be around when the task runs. This in turn involves some refactoring of classes, to ensure there are no references cycles when we implement this strategy. Reference cycles and std::shared_ptr do not get along.

Threading, in summary

The above story seems like it should be common to most use of V8, yet all seems underdocumented in V8. The solution I landed on involved some educated guesses about thread safety of V8 components (like, can you safely add a task to the Isolate’s foreground task runner without the Isolate lock? The implementation seems to say so, but the docs… don’t exist! Does v8::platform::PumpMessageLoop need the lock? It seems to crash when I don’t have it; core files are a form of library documentation I guess, but maybe I was simply holding it wrong when it crashed?) I have put a question to the v8-users group to see if I can get any confirmation of my assumptions here.

Relieving Python of the duty of managing C++ memory

There are 5 places where Python and C++ need to talk about objects in memory:

  1. The overall MiniRacer context object which creates and owns everything (including the v8::Isolate discussed above).

  2. JS values created by MiniRacer and passed back to Python (and, when we start doing mutable objects or function calls, JS values created in Python and passed into JS!).

  3. Callback function addresses from C++ to Python.

  4. Callback context to go along with the above, so that when Python receives a callback it understands what the callback is about. (E.g., we typically use a Python-side Future as the callback context here; the callback sends both data and context. The callback function just has to take the data, i.e., a result value, and stuff it into a Future, which it conveniently can find given the callback’s context.)

  5. Task handles for long-running eval tasks, so we can cancel them.

While Python’s garbage collector tracks references and automatically deletes unreachable Python objects, if you’re extending Python with C (or C++) code, you have to explicitly delete the C/C++ objects. There are kinda two approaches for systematically ensuring deletion happens:

  1. with statements:

    You can treat C++ objects as external resources and use `with statements and context managers to explicitly manage object lifecycle, in user code. There is an absolutist view (previously held by me after being burned by finalizers before; see below) that this is the only way proper way to manage external resources (but are in-process C++ objects really “external resources”?). Code using context managers to explicitly deallocate all allocated objects would look like, in absolutist form:

    with MiniRacer() as mr:
      with mr.eval("[]") as array:
         with mr.eval('JSON.stringify') as stringify_function:
            with stringify_function(array) as stringified:
               print(stringified)  # prints '[42]'
               # at this point, the value behind "stringified" is freed by calling a C API.
            # at this point, the value behind "stringify_function" is freed by calling a C API.
         # at this point, the value behind "array" is freed by calling a C API.
      # at this point, the MiniRacer context is freed by calling a C API.

    (Astute Pythonistas may note that two of those with statements could be collapsed into one to make it “simpler”. Yay.)

    This is nicely explicit, but extremely annoying to use. (I actually implemented this, but undid it when I started updating the PyMiniRacer README and saw how annoying it is.)

  2. Finalizers, aka the __del__ method:

    You can create a Python-native wrapper class whose __del__ method frees the underlying C++ resource. This looks like, e.g.:

    class _Context:
      def __init__(self, dll):
         self.dll = dll  # ("dll" here comes from the ctypes API)
         self._c_object = self.dll.mr_init_context()
      def __del__(self):

    Then user code doesn’t have to remember to free things at all! What could go possibly wrong?


The trouble with finalizers

What could possibly go wrong is that finalizers are called somewhat lazily by Python, and in kind of unpredictable order. This problem is shared by Java, C# and I assume every other garbage-collected language which supports finalizers: if you have two objects A and B which refer to each other (aka a reference cycle), but which are obviously otherwise unreachable, obviously you should garbage-collect them.

But if both A and B have finalizers, which do you call first? If you call A’s finalizer, great, but later B’s finalizer might try and reach out to A, which has already been finalized! Likewise, if you finalize B first, then A’s finalizer might try and reach out to B which is already gone. You can’t win! So if you’re the Python garbage collector, you just call the finalizers for both objects, in whatever order you like, and you declare it to be programmer error if these objects refer to each other in their finalizers, and you generally declare that finalization order doesn’t matter.


Unfortunately, order sometimes matters. Let’s say those objects A and B are each managing C++ objects, C and D, respectively, as depicted above. Obviously, in the above picture, we should tear down C before D so we don’t leave a dangling reference from C to D. The best teardown order here is: A, C, B, then D. But Python doesn’t know that! It has no idea about the link between C++ objects C and D. It is likely to call B’s finalizer first, tearing down D before C, thus leaving a dangling reference on the C++ side.


This happens in practice in MiniRacer: a Python _Context wraps a MiniRacer::Context, and a Python _ValueHandle wraps a MiniRacer::BinaryValue. But within C++ land, that MiniRacer::Context is what created those MiniRacer::BinaryValue objects, and they each know have pointers into the v8::Isolate object which the Context owns. If you free the MiniRacer::Context before you free the values pointing into its v8::Isolate, things get very crashy, fast. We want Python to free all the _ValueHandle objects before the _Context, but there’s no way to tell it that, and worse, the garbage collection ordering is nondeterministic, so it will get it wrong, and crash, randomly.

The same situation arises for task handles (MiniRacer::CancelableTaskHandle in C++), and we have other more mundane risky use of pointers and Python-owned memory with callback function pointers and callback context data.

When I started work on it, MiniRacer tracked raw C++ pointers for the MiniRacer context only, using __del__ to clean it up. It only used values ephemerally, converting and cleaning them up immediately (except for memoryview objects into JS ArrayBuffers but that was a rare case). If you’re only using finalizers with one type of object, and instances of that object don’t interact, the reference cycle problem explained above doesn’t exist.

This worked fine until… I introduced more object types (async tasks, callback functions, callback contexts, and persistent values to track Objects and Arrays). More object types means more opportunities for Python to call finalizers in the wrong order.

Making finalizers safe

So the principle I derive from the above: we must refactor things so that finalizer order doesn’t matter. But how do we do it? And otherwise make our Python/C++ boundary safe from memory management bugs?

I developed the following strategy:

  1. Avoid passing pointers at all. Instead, pass integer identifiers (specifically uint64_t) between C++ and Python. The identifiers are all created and registered in maps on the C++ side. The map lets the C++ side safely validate, then convert from the identifier to actual object pointers.

    • Two exceptions:

      1. For JS values, for performance reasons, we pass a special BinaryValueHandle which doubles as an identifier and an address which can peek into data for primitive types. (In that case, the map key is the BinaryValueHandle pointer instead of an ID. The mapped value is the full BinaryValue object pointer, which is not directly accessible to Python.) Note that the C++ side still validates any BinaryValueHandle values passed in from Python.

      2. For callback addresses from C++ to Python, we have to use a pointer. Which then means we are at risk of bugs wherein PyMiniRacer accidentally disposes the callback before the C++ side is totally done with it. C’est la vie.)

  2. Thus the C++ side can check for validity of any references it receives from Python, eliminating any bugs related to use-after-free or Python freeing things in the wrong order (i.e., freeing a whole v8::Isolate and only then freeing a JS value which lived in that isolate).

  3. … And the C++ side can also avoid memory leaks, in that when an “owning container” (like the context object) is torn down, the container (on the C++ side) has a holistic view of all objects created within that container, and can free any stragglers itself, on the spot.

In this way, we still use __del__ on the Python side, but only as an opportunistic memory-usage-reducer. The C++ side is actually tracking all memory usage deterministically and doesn’t rely on Python to get it right—especially not the order of operations when freeing things.

As a cute bonus trick, since we’re tracking all living objects on the C++ side, can expose methods which count them, for use in our unit tests, to ensure we don’t have any designed memory leaks! (I caught one pre-existing leak this way!)

The resulting setup, just looking at Contexts and JS Values, sort of looks like the following diagram (and similar goes for async task handles):


With this new setup, if Python finalizes (“calls __del__ on”) the _Context before a _ValueHandle that belonged to that context, aka “the wrong order”, what happens now is:

  1. _Context.__del__ calls MiniRacer::ContextFactory to destroy its MiniRacer::Context. MiniRacer::Context destroys the MiniRacer::BinaryValueFactory, which in turn notices some C++ MiniRacer::BinaryValue objects were left alive (before this change, the BinaryValueFactory wasn’t tracking them and thus didn’t even know they still existed). BinaryValueFactory goes ahead and tears all those leftover BinaryValue objects down. This avoids a memory leak, and avoids dangling pointers on the C++ side.

  2. When Python later calls _ValueHandle.__del__, it passes both a context ID and the value handle to MiniRacer::ContextFactory. MiniRacer::ContextFactory notices that the whole context ID is no longer valid because the context was torn down already. The context and its values are already gone. Thus, this call can be safely ignored.

I think the design strategy is generalizable to most Python/C++ integrations, and potentially likewise Java/C++ and C#/C++ integrations. (TL;DR: use integer identifiers instead of passing pointers, track object lifecycle in maps on the C++ side, validate all incoming identifiers from Python, and refactor so that out-of-order finalization doesn’t hurt anything). I wonder if it’s written down anywhere.


That wraps up this overly detailed changelog for now!

If you’re reading this and want to contribute, go for it! See the contribution guide.

One thing I wish PyMiniRacer really had, and don’t have time to build right now, is extension via user-supplied Python callback functions. A more detailed descrition and implementation ideas can be found here.